We have all had bad days as parents. You know the day. When your child wakes before the birds, thinks naps are for the weak, tantrums galore....you know. This was our day today. We hit a point where I wanted to cry right along with Rocket Baby. I decided to do something else instead.
Our toddlers don't always have the ability to communicate with us. They can't tell us their needs or wants. Today reminded me of this. Crying wasn't going to help the situation. Instead I started talking to him.
"I know you aren't feeling well today, buddy"
"It's ok to be cranky. Everyone has cranky days"
"This day has been hard, but I want you to know Mama loves you very much and God loves you even more"
It just dawned on me how much I want positive words to influence my child. I've overhead and even read people calling their children names like "asshole" or "little shits". These aren't words I ever want my son to associate himself with. Sure these words aren't always spoken in the presence of the child and it's often said as a joke.
I don't get the joke.
We all vent and release angry and frustration in different ways, but I don't ever want to be someone who chooses to release my issues on my child. I know I'll slip up. I know I'll fall short but it's so important to try my hardest. To do my best.
It's become second nature for me to tell Rocket Baby how much I love him, how special he is and how awesome he makes life, daily. Our kids will be teased and picked on and see so much negative in the outside world, we don't need to bring that home. And I know we all love our children immensely. This is in no way an attack, but hopefully an eye opener. What are you saying to your children? Are your negative words more frequent then the positive? Really pay attention to your words. I chose to be positive today and despite the bumps in the road, this day was still a blessing. Rocket Baby is still a precious gift. He deserves to be loved and nurtured not cut down and beaten up.
I encourage anyone reading this to use your words wisely! Use them for uplifting and healing and helping. Use them to nurture and love. This is important stuff. After all, kids are our future and no one wants to end up in an old folks home ;)
- Jasmine