Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rocket Baby's 3 Part Tutorial On Preventing Mom From Cleaning

Important lessons on keeping your toys all over the place. Because having them put away is inconvenient to our plots for mass destruction.

1) get ridiculously upset when she starts picking up blocks. So upset that it irritates your already sore throat and you break out into a nasty coughing fit. The added sympathy of being sick works well in your favor.

2) escalade from just generally being upset to full blown crocodile tears. At this point the sore throat has now caused you to become raspy/lose your voice. Put on your most pathetic face and get ready for the final step.

3) decide you need to nurse for 30minutes. It's also imperative you don't bother your mom too much or she will threaten to take your milk away. Apparently being repeatedly smacked in the face makes her cranky.

Congratulations. You have now wasted an hour of her time.

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