Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sneaky Treats - Rocket Chocolate Hummus

I can't be the only parent dealing with an extremely picky eater. I vaguely remember when Rocket Baby would eat anything we put in front of him, now he rarely strays from his (limited) favorites.

In a sneaky attempt to get better nutrients in him, I have been adding veggies, chia seeds, or hemp to his foods. It's worked for the most part, but even my best green smoothie recipes are currently failing.

I'm pulling out all the stops. Insert Rocket Chocolate Hummus. In all honesty I was convinced I created a brand new recipe until google crushed my dreams. In any regard I did create this recipe on my own, without any outside resources.

In all of its delicious glory, it can be used for just about anything! Today we used it as a fruit dip. It's the consistency of pudding and I must say I'm excited to try it with a little dairy free whipped cream! It can also easily be spread on toast or make yourself a nut butter and Rocket Chocolate Hummus sandwich! I promise it won't disappoint.

You will need ^^^ these ingredients and a food processor, I used my Ninja Food Prep.
*drain and rinse 1 can of garbanzo beans, dry, and place in food processor
*add 1/2 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
*add 1/3 cup of pure maple syrup
*add 1TBS of chia seeds
*add 1tsp of vanilla extract
*add a splash of coconut milk (add in more until you get a desired consistency with blending).
*blend and serve, store in refrigerator.

It's that easy! It took me 3 minutes to make this and it really is a tasty treat. Hope your little ones (and you!) enjoy.

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