Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tomorrow, You're Only A Day Away

It's almost here! Tomorrow is our Foster Parent orientation, and we are so excited. My sister is all lined up to watch Rocket Baby (who has his first Vacation Bible School experience in the morning) and Trevor and I are very much looking forward to this first step! At the orientation we will listen to a local case worker talk about the process and requirements and at the end we will be able to ask questions. I do know we have to complete a safety course as well as a CPR course before we can get our license, then we wait!

I have a ton of questions I want to ask, but the most specific is the extent of our parental rights. Will we be able to make decisions on things that are important to us? Will I be able to nurse? Things like that. Breast feeding is definitely the most important thing to me since Rocket Baby nursed for 28 months and I would love to have that same relationship with our future child.

A lot of people have asked if we would like a boy or a girl, or if we care about ethnicity. We have chosen to keep our options as open as possible, with only one possible restriction that I am choosing not to share here. I'm not so secretly hoping we end up with a beautiful Mexican girl (I'm part Mexican), but would be thrilled to add any child to our family. We are so ready to love another little. I have baby carriers ready to snuggle and a 2.5 yr old tot isn't always the best snuggle buddy.

In the meantime, we are still taking financial donations. Foster To Adopt *can* be free, but we aren't sure if our case will be that way and want to be prepared. Any money left over will be donated to other families working through the adoption process, as we are excited to join in the adoption community as a whole and would love to support them. If you would like to donate to us, you can do that here. And since I haven't shared any photos here recently and words get boring, I'll add some updated photos of us and Rocket Baby. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the whole process! I know great things are to come.
